Noravia’s Infrastructure
Existing Infrastructure
- Water resources available (inside the lot)
- Access to the existing road transportation means of Iringa - Njombe (Njombe – Songea Road)
- Airport facilities available in the area (Njombe airport, 12 Km)
- Manpower, resources available (Njombe town with 150.000 inhabitans
- Housing facilities for expatriates (Njombe town in 10 Km)
- Energy resourses (electicity & fuels )avalailbe in the Njombe area.
Infrastructure to be created
- Internal Roads connected with
- Water storage & recycling facilities (water will be obtained from near by River)
- Electricity will be supplied from the local network, and additional locally from generators and wind mills
- Helipad will be build on site
- Housing & leaving facilities for expatriates in Njombe town